Class Plans
Choose a Plan
This membership is for athletes who have successfully completed our Elements onboarding or have been regularly training at another CrossFit gym prior to joining our affiliate. 
Access to class is unlimited for all locations.
South Park SP 361 Brannan St
Mission Bay MB 701 Mission Bay Blvd N (cross street Merrimac)
Potrero Hill PH 175 DeHaro St
Limit: 9 classes per Month
Programs: CrossFit, CrossFit Lite, MOMfit, Olympic Lifting, Open Gym
LocationsPotrero Hill, South Park
From $219.00
This membership is for athletes who have successfully completed our Elements onboarding or have been regularly training at another CrossFit gym prior to joining our affiliate. 
Access to class is unlimited for all locations.
South Park SP 361 Brannan St
Mission Bay MB 701 Mission Bay Blvd N (cross street Merrimac)
Potrero Hill PH 175 DeHaro St
Limit: 13 classes per Month
Programs: '24 CrossFit Open, CrossFit, CrossFit Lite, MOMfit, Olympic Lifting, Open Gym
LocationsPotrero Hill, South Park
From $259.00
Group Elements
In this small group class you will learn all the basics to be able to join a CrossFit class safely and confidently.
Monday - Oly Lift: Clean
Tuesday - Press Series
Wednesday - Deadlift and Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Thursday - Oly Lift: Snatch
**Please note -  we are only offering Group Elements Classes at :
CrossFit Potrero Hill 175 DeHaro St @ 6pm
CrossFit South Park 361 Brannan St @ 7pm

We are offering Private Elements Packages at all 3 locations
Limit: 6 classes per Week
Programs: CrossFit Lite, Group Elements
LocationsPotrero Hill, South Park
Nutrition Training
Nutrition is at the base of CrossFit’s theoretical pyramid on an athlete.  As such, we are happy to provide a structured approach to nutrition at Crossfit Potrero Hill, Crossfit Mission Bay, and CrossFit South Park.

Tier 1 Nutrition Coaching- Baseline Offering  $250/month
For those of you who are interested in understanding nutrition with a baseline approach, we offer you a Tier 1 Coaching Package.  This package requires a minimum of a three month commitment and includes the following:

Alignment of Goals to nutrition plans
Review of Dexa Scan or different body composition testing. We recommend *To be paid for by participants*
Development of a meal plan- (Macros, Intermittent Fasting, Paleo, Paleo-Zone )
Weekly check in (virtual or in-person)
Evaluation of performance along with adjustment to nutrition plans.

The coaching will be provided by:
Christopher Comma  -  Precision Nutrition Level 1 Cert, CrossFit Nutrition Cert, CrossFit Level 3 Coach
Liran Krell - Precision Nutrition Level 1 Cert, CrossFit Level 3 Coach

Book a Free 20 minute Nutrition Consult by emailing either of the coaching above.

*This membership offers no refunds or holds

Limit: Unlimited
Programs: Nutrition Coaching
LocationsPotrero Hill, South Park
SFPAL Program
In partnership with SF Police Activities League, this program will focus on the CrossFit training methodology of health and fitness and is focused on younger athletes to help promote confidence and develop empowered individuals, in a safe and structured environment.
Limit: 1 class per Week
Programs: SFPAL Program
LocationsPotrero Hill
This membership is for athletes who have successfully completed our Elements onboarding or have been regularly training at another CrossFit gym prior to joining our affiliate. 
Access to class is unlimited for all locations.
South Park SP 361 Brannan St
Mission Bay MB 701 Mission Bay Blvd N (cross street Merrimac)
Potrero Hill PH 175 DeHaro St
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: CrossFit, CrossFit Lite, MOMfit, Olympic Lifting, Open Gym
LocationsPotrero Hill, South Park
From $299.00